Legal notice


Entry into force: August 9th, 2018
The present is constituted as the Legal Notice of the website of Hotel La Laguna Spa y Golf, S.L., located at the URL
Company Data

Terms of Use

Access to the Website by Users is free and costless. The access, navigation and use of the Site implies the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of these conditions of use, having the same validity and efficacy as any contract signed in writing. Its observance and compliance will be demandable with respect to any person who accesses, browses or uses the Web. If you do not agree with the exposed terms, do not access, browse or use any page of the website.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

All the industrial and intellectual property rights of this Web site and of the different web pages belonging to it, as well as of the elements contained in it and in its web pages (including, without limitation, graphic design, source code, logos, content, images, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, databases and other elements that appear on the Web), unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF or third parties considered legitimate.

In this sense, HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF expressly reserves all rights. Likewise, all trade names, domains, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the website and its web pages are protected by law.

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF does not grant any type of license or authorization of public and / or commercial use to the User on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other right related to this Website, its web pages and the services offered in the same. The User can only and exclusively access such elements and services for personal and private use, therefore, the use of all or part of the contents of this Website and web pages belonging to it for public or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, its distribution, public communication, including the method of making it available, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation, unless expressly agreed in writing by HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF.

Therefore, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this website constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights and / or industrial of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF or its owner.

Any undue use of the same by persons other than their legitimate owner and without the express and unequivocal consent of the latter may be denounced and pursued through all legal means existing in the Spanish and / or Community Legal System.

The intellectual property rights and marches of third parties are conveniently highlighted and must be respected by everyone who accesses this page, not being the responsibility of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF the use that the user can carry out in this regard, falling responsibility exclusive in his person.

Only for personal and private use its allowed to download the contents, copy or print any page of this website, being prohibited to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, transform, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail , transmit, use, treat or distribute in any way all or part of the Contents and products included in the Website for public or commercial purposes, if you do not have the express written authorization of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF or of the holder of the rights to which it corresponds.
In no case will it be understood that the access and navigation of the User through the Website or the acquisition of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF products offered through the Website, implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said rights by HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF.

Consequently, it is not permitted to delete, avoid or manipulate the copyright notice and any other identifying data of the rights of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF or its owners incorporated into the contents and products, as well as such as technical protection devices, fingerprints, watermarks or any information and / or identification mechanisms that may be contained in them.

Conditions of use of the website

It is not allowed; therefore, its consequences are the user’s personal responsibility, access or use of the website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose, and, more specifically and without the following list having absolute character, it’s forbidden:

Any non-authorized commercial use thereof, or its resale, unless prior written authorization is granted by HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF. The contents and products offered through the Website are provided only to end users, people browsing the Web, people who remain in the registry of Users and people interested in making or making the reservation of a property of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF.

To reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.

Failure to comply with any of the foregoing obligations by the user may entail the adoption by HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF of the appropriate measures covered by Law and in the exercise of their rights or obligations, which may lead to the elimination or blocking of the account of the offending user, without cause of compensation for the damages caused.

License on communications

In the event that the User sends information of any kind to HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF through the Website, through the channels provided for that purpose on the Website itself, the User declares, guarantees and accepts that they have the right to do so freely , that said information does not infringe any intellectual property, trademark, patent, trade secret, or any other third party right, that said information is not confidential and that said information is not harmful to third parties.

The User acknowledges taking responsibility and will not harm HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF for any communication that he personally provides or in his name, reaching such responsibility without any restriction the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership of it.



HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF does not assume any responsibility derived, or that could derive from the use that users make of the information and contents of this web page. The contents and information do not link to the, nor constitute opinions, or advice, since it is merely a service offered with informative and informative character. HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information appearing on this website.

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF will use all reasonable efforts and means to provide updated and reliable information on the Web, however, HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF does not assume any guarantee regarding the absence of errors, or of possible inaccuracies and / or omissions in any of the contents accessible through this Web.

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF reserves the right to modify, develop or update at any time and without prior notice, the conditions of use of this Web. The User will be automatically bound by the conditions of use that are in force at the time he accesses the Web, so he must periodically read said conditions of use.

The User is solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred or the damages that may be caused using the Website, leaving HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF, its partners, employees, employees and representatives, exempt from any kind of responsibility that could be derived by the actions of the User.

The User is solely responsible for any claim or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial, initiated by third parties against HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF based on the use by the User of the Website. In your case, the User will assume all expenses, costs and indemnities that may be incurred by the owner of the Website due to such claims or legal actions.

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF reserves the right to suspend access to its website for causes related to maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations.

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF is exempt from any liability that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system, motivated by causes beyond the owner of the Web. Likewise, HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF also excludes any liability that may arise from delays or blockages in the operational functioning of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overload on telephone lines or on the Internet, as well as damages caused by third parties through illegitimate intromissions beyond the control of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF.

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF has adopted security measures that allow the current state of technology. However, the user is aware that HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF cannot guarantee the absolute absence of viruses or harmful elements.

If the User is aware of the existence of any illegal content, illegal, contrary to the laws or that could involve an infringement of intellectual and / or industrial property rights, you must immediately notify HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF so that they can proceed to the adoption of the appropriate measures.


Duration and modification

HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF may modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein, in whole or in part, publishing any change in the same way as this Legal Notice appears or through any type of communication addressed to Users.

The temporary validity of this Legal Notice coincides, therefore, with the time of its exposure, until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the modified Legal Notice will become valid.

Regardless of the provisions of the particular conditions, HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the contents of the page, without the possibility of the User to demand compensation some. After said extinction, the prohibitions of use of the contents previously exposed in this Legal Notice will remain in force.

Safeguarding the standards

If any term and condition of these Rules was declared null or inoperative, the rest of the provisions will be maintained in the agreed terms. HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF is committed to replacing the stipulation affected by the nullity approaching as much as possible to the intention initially pursued.


The relations established between HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF and the User will be governed by the provisions of current Spanish regulations regarding the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. However, for those cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a jurisdiction, HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, submit any disputes and / or litigation to the knowledge of the Courts and Tribunals of Torrevieja (Alicante).


This document has been written in accordance with the current situation of HOTEL LA LAGUNA SPA & GOLF
In Rojales, on August 9, 2018

Signed: Amedeo Maturo Senra

Fdo.: Amedeo Maturo Senra